
How To Write Assignments

Whether you're faced with your first ever assignment essay, or you're looking for inspiration to improve your grade, we'll walk you through the process to ensure your essay is a success.
Simply follow our trusted assignment format and learn how to improve your essay grades!
What is an essay?
An essay is a collection of your own ideas about a particular topic. It must have a clear, organised structure which presents your ideas in such a way that the reader can understand them, follow them, and is convinced by your arguments, or at least can see your point of view because of the evidence you have presented.
An essay is not a collection of snippets from the source material you have read. Instead, it is a presentation of your own thoughts and ideas on a subject, which uses the source material to support your arguments. Source material may include books, journal articles, reports, etc that you have read.
Where Do I Start?
Start by reading the question. It may sound rather too obvious to mention but year after year, students just look at a word or phrase in the essay title and take this as a cue to reel off everything they know about that subject, without considering whether they are really answering what has been asked of them. You need to analyse the question and remember that certain focus words are clues as to what the tutor is asking of you. For example, 'discuss' means to present two sides of an argument and any implications. If in doubt, look the words up in the dictionary!
How Do I Research My Essay?
To research a topic and find suitable source material, you need to plan a search strategy. This ensures that you know exactly what you are looking for!
To plan your research, you need to decide on:
  • The focus of the essay question - what is the main topic?
  • The key concepts - write down words related to the topic
  • Alternative terms - write down other words that mean the same thing as the key concepts
  • Your understanding of the issues - write down things you think will be important to answer the question
  • Your sources - where will you find material?
These ideas will help you search through research databases, such as Emerald Insight, EBSCO and Ingenta. Your university will usually give you an athens password so you can access these databases. They contain thousands of journals in all manner of subject areas.
Recommended Sources
The best places to find good journals to support your essays, if you have an athens password, are (look for the 'Athens Login' links):
  • EBSCO - http://search.ebscohost.com/
  • Emerald Insight - http://www.emeraldinsight.com
  • Ingenta - http://www.ingentaconnect.com/
  • Jstor - http://www.jstor.org/
If you don't have an athens password (or even if you do but want to expand your research collection) Questia.com is a great resource. It has literally thousands of books, journals and newspaper/magazine articles, and these can be accessed via monthly or annual subscription. The cost is currently $399.95 for life, or $99.95/Year, $44.95/Quarterly, or $19.95/Monthly (correct at 1st August 2008). With the exchange rates as they are, this represents incredible value.
If you're desperate for sources and have neither athens nor the funds to pay for questia, Google Books may also be useful.
Filtering Material
More often than not, you'll find you have far too much material to put in your essay and so you'll have to filter through it and choose the best. Ask yourself:
  • Will this source add value to my essay (for example, by supporting one of my arguments)?
  • Is this source essential for my essay? Will the quality of the essay suffer if I remove it?
  • Do I have any better sources to support my arguments?
  • Is the source a quality source? Is it reliable? Avoid using open-source encyclopedias like Wikipedia - you don't know how reliable the information is.
Are you wondering how many sources/references you need to use in your essay? It is important to ensure you have sufficient sources to support your writing if you are aiming for a good grade. As a very rough guide, we would recommend for an Undergraduate Degree Level Essay of 2.1 standard, 9 quality sources for essays of 0-2500 words, 18 sources for essays of 2,501-5000 words, 27 sources for essays of 5,001-7,500 words, 36 sources for essays of 7,501-10,000 words and at least 45 sources for essays of over 10,000 words.
Sources That Impress
Remember that your tutor could be marking 20, 30 or even 40 papers answering exactly the same question. As perfect as your essay may be, it is difficult to impress without showing an element of originality. Using a good selection of quality sources adds strength to your arguments and the quality of your paper. If you refer to the work of more obscure and controversial writers, you may well spark the interest of the lecturer, provided that such material is well presented and used appropriately.
However you present your material, you must remember that it should not simply recount the authors' points of view in a parrot like fashion, such as; 'Smith says...' 'But Jones says...'. Instead, you need to present your own thoughts - for example, 'It appears that ..... and this is supported by Jones' 1987 Study, which reached this conclusion'. Or, you might write, 'Jones reached the conclusion that ... however, it could instead be argued that .. because... '.
Strong well supported arguments against an established point of view are also a means of showing originality and thus gaining extra marks.
What To Aim For
Before you start writing your essay, it is helpful to keep in mind the qualities that your final piece of work should have.
To attain a 1st, you need to demonstrate an exceptional level of clarity. You must also show special signs of excellence or originality. Your presentation should be impeccable and your arguments should be supported so the reader is left in no doubt as to the accuracy of the information. Not only will your essay show that you have a comprehensive knowledge of the topic and an excellent understanding of the issues and debates concerned, but it will also show you have excellent study skills, through your ability to select and interpret quality materials and authority to support your arguments. Your writing should be structured logically so that arguments are developed in a convincing way. It should be fluent and articulate (try reading it out loud as you go, to ensure it makes sense), and use a proper style of referencing.
Planning Your Essay Structure
Many students think an essay structure means 'introduction' 'body' and 'conclusion'. Whilst this is the very basic structure of an essay, a more detailed plan will help you write well.
A good essay structure for your assignment is below - but you'll need to expand this and include details of what you intend to cover in each section (which will be subject specific):
The introduction is the place to grip your reader, sufficiently impress them and make them want to know more. It may include:
  • An introductory paragraph - this may introduce a controversial issue. You may want to start with an 'attention getter' - that's a sharp, intelligent statement relating to the topic
  • First paragraph - give background information
  • Second paragraph - give your opinion
  • Third paragraph - acknowledge the opposing opinion(s)
  • Final paragraph - a focus sentence - restate your opinion, explain you will present evidence to support it in the essay
This is where you prove your case. Remember at all times that you are making an argument, not narrating a story. Use the key words you identified in your search strategy to help you. Make sure that every paragraph in some way refers to those keywords - or it will be irrelevant. Don't forget that you can never make unsubstantiated claims - everything you say needs to be supported by quality source material. Further, you cannot present an essay that consists of merely one argument.
  • First (supporting) paragraph: Provide facts and evidence, evaluate evidence, and reach conclusions about evidence
  • Second (supporting) paragraph: Are there any weaknesses in the first evidence presented? Provide further evidence, evaluate and reach conclusions
  • Third (opposing) paragraph: Present the opposing view, present evidence to support it, and try and disprove your own opinion. Identify any weaknesses in the evidence
  • Fourth (opposing) paragraph: Deal with any weaknesses identified by presenting further evidence
Avoid lengthy direct quotes such as 'Smith says...' 'but Jones says' with no further analysis. You can quote from material but you need to analyse it - just because so-and-so said something does not make it true. If you are going to use a quote you need to support it with relevant facts or examples, or you will not gain any marks for the material utilised.
The conclusion is where you summarise the main findings of your research. Without a conclusion, you will score few - if any - marks. Draw together the components of your arguments and make sure you spell out how any weaknesses have been dealt with. Reaffirm your opinion. Has it been supported in your essay? Does your essay reveal any weaknesses in the opinion? Is the opposing evidence convincing? The reader should be convinced of your conclusion but this is not the place to include new material. It should only draw on what you have already said.
This essay structure will not, of course, fit every assignment essay project but it gives you an idea of how you can plan your essay in advance for a good result.
Final Checks
When you've finished writing your essay, make sure you read - reread and reread it again. Read it out loud to make sure it flows well. Check the spelling and grammar using your PC. Ask someone else to read it and give you their opinion . Remember, you may have the best material in the world, but if you can't communicate your ideas to the reader, you are unlikely to score impressive marks. Go through what you have written and ensure that every paragraph is 100% relevant and necessary to answering the question. Don't leave in waffle or padding - you may lose marks as it will make it seem that you don't understand what you are talking about.
Essay writing is a skill that takes years to perfect. Research is, in itself, an entirely different skill and also an art. Conducting research for your essay is time consuming and if you have little experience in this area, you will find it takes an enormous amount of your time just finding relevant sources, before you have written a single word.

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