
Oxygenate your body - How to restore oxygen balance and help prevent disease

(NaturalNews) In my health practice, I have found many people don't realize that oxygen is one of the primary catalysts for energy and optimal health in the human body.

Oxygen plays a vital role, not only in our breathing processes but in every metabolic process in the body. Nutrient compounds inside our cells are oxidized by enzymes and this oxidation process is our main source of energy.

In addition, healthy cells in the body are aerobic, meaning they require adequate levels of oxygen for cellular respiration and growth. When cells are deprived ofoxygenfor any reason, decay sets in and cells can mutate or die.

The Oxygen Cancer Connection

Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel prize winner, discovered a close connection between oxygen andcancer. His studies showed that the primary cause of cancer is directly related to oxygen-deprived cells. In fact, he found that cancer cells are anaerobic and actually thrive in an oxygen-deficientenvironment.

Warburg also discovered that a slightlyalkalinepH in the body meant higher levels of oxygen uptake. These days, having a lowbloodoxygen level is a normal clinical finding forpeoplewith chronic diseases.

How Oxygen Is Utilized in the Body

Oxygen utilization is a highly complex process in thebody, but the simpler version goes something like this: When we inhale, oxygen from the air we breathe is diffused through membranes and into red blood cells. The oxygen-rich blood then circulates throughout the body and finds tissues in need of oxygen.

Enzymes in the body combine with the oxygen molecules and initiate many metabolic (i.e., oxidative) processes in the body. One of the wasteproductsof oxidation iscarbondioxide, which is then released from the cells into the blood. It combines with hemoglobin and bicarbonates and is transported back to thelungs-- where the process starts all over again.

How Oxygen Supports Body Detoxification

Health in thehuman bodydepends to a large degree on how efficiently nutrients can be absorbed and utilized at the cellular level, as well as how effectively thetoxinsand wastes can be removed.

Cellularwasteis removed from the body in several ways. Part of the waste is dissolved inwaterand transported to the kidneys and liver for filtration. It is then eliminated through the urine and bowels. Toxins are also excreted from the body through perspiration.

However, some of the mosttoxicpoisons in the body can only be "burnt up" and neutralized through oxidation. This is the job of oxygen-rich red blood cells that circulate from the lungs and into the deeper organs and glands of the body.

Minimizing your exposure to environmental toxins (e.g., using air and water filters, eatingorganicfoods, using toxic-free personal care products) while restoring oxygenbalancein the body is a commonsense plan for cellular rejuvenation and diseaseprevention. The following are just a few simple ways to improve oxygenation in your body.

How to Restore Oxygen Balance in the Body

Alkalinediet.Even though there are many conflicting charts and articles online about how to increase body alkalinity through diet, it's really quite simple. Increase the amount of plant-basedfoodsin your diet and reduce the amount of processed foods and animal-based foods, which are acidifying. If nothing else, increase the amount of dark, leafygreenvegetables, such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard, parsley, sprouts, collard greens, and mustard greens, just to name a few. Organic super green supplements that contain chlorella, spirulina, barley grass, and alfalfa grass, in particular, also help to alkalize the body.

Adequate Hydration.Drinking enough water daily is essential not only for the utilization of oxygen in the body but also for transporting the blood and other bodily fluids. Without adequate water, all bodily functions are diminished, including cellular respiration and the removal of toxins and metabolic wastes. Drinking filtered water is necessary to get the full benefits of oxygenation.Restructured or ionized wateris micro-clustered (creating smaller groupings of water molecules) and will thus provide higher levels ofhydrationand oxygenation at the cellular level.

Proper Breathing.Dr. K.P. Buteyko is a physiologist and clinical physician who devoted 50 years of hislifeto the study of respiration. According to Buteyko, sick people breathe using the upper chest and inhale more air, whichcausesreduced oxygen levels in body cells. Chestbreathingcauses us to take in too much air per inhalation and constricts blood vessels. Healthy breathing is slow (about 12 breaths per minute), from the diaphragm (rather than the chest), through the nose (rather than mouth) and is quiet andlight. Contrary to popular belief, deep or rapid breathing techniques do not increase oxygenation! See resource below for Dr. Buteyko's do-it-yourself Body Oxygen Test.

Daily Exercise.Increaseaerobic exercisesuch as walking, hiking or bicycling. Aerobicexercisewill help your body utilize oxygen and remove waste through thelymphatic system. Whereas the circulatory system has the heart to pump blood throughout the body, the lymphatic system has no pump. Lymph gets circulated and flushed primarily through movement. Thus, from the standpoint ofhealthand body oxygenation, you would be better offwalkingfor 15 minutes a day rather than spending an hour or more in the gym 2 to 3 times a week. The most effective exercise I have found for flushinglymphis the mini-trampoline (rebounder). Two minutes of rebounding can flush the entire lymph and triple the production of white blood cells - a super immunity booster.

Adequate oxygenation and ahealthybody pH are essential to health and vitality. Just a few of the potentialbenefitsof maintaining body oxygenation at a balanced level include: enhanced brain function,stress reduction, increased energy, and a longer and healthier life.

Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/032096_oxygenation_body.html#ixzz1LokeHzU8

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