
The Side Effects of Humulin in Diabetic Dogs

  • Veterinarians prescribe Humulin (insulin treatment) for dogs suffering from diabetes. A dog with canine diabetes lacks the ability to produce the hormone insulin. Insulin injections like Humulin provide the insulin hormone to the body, enabling it to process sugar. Depending on the severity of the condition, dogs receive injections once or twice per day. Pet Place recommends injecting the dog on different places on his body rather than the same place each time. This prevents the chance of a local reaction to the drug. Pet Place also states that side effects in dogs receiving Humulin injections are infrequent but possible.

Adverse Reactions: Vomits, Drinks Lots of Fluids and Seizes

  • An adverse reaction is possible when Humulin is combined with other medications. Consult a veterinarian prior to giving your dog Humulin when another medication is also prescribed. Certain prescription combinations to avoid include corticosteroids, propranolol, tetracycline, aspirin, epinephrine, furosemide and digoxin. When a dog experiences an adverse reaction to the drug, side effects like vomiting, increased fluid intake and seizures are likely.

Overdose: Lethargy, Depression and Abnormal Behavior

  • It takes some time to regulate the dosage of Humulin. During the period of dosing regulation, low blood sugar and high blood sugar commonly occurs. While rare, an overdose occasionally happens. An overdose may be fatal if the owner does not immediately recognize the symptoms. Side effects to watch out for are lethargy, depression and abnormal behavior. Seizures and a diabetic coma also are possible. Consult a veterinarian immediately when any of these side effects occur in your dog.

Resistance: Increased Water Consumption, Appetite and Urine Elimination

  • Some dogs develop a resistance to Humulin. A resistance means their bodies don't respond to the synthetic form of insulin, and diabetic symptoms persist even with treatment. Be careful not to use Humulin injections beyond their expiration date as this also makes them ineffective. When a dog is resistant to Humulin, excessive water consumption and urine elimination arise, appetite increases, weight loss occurs and chronic infections happen--side effects of diabetes.

Read more: The Side Effects of Humulin in Diabetic Dogs | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_6614746_side-effects-humulin-diabetic-dogs.html#ixzz1LogFDJnw

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